January 30, 2007
time: 1/30/2007 09:58:00 PM
looky what i got

I got a nintendo wii! maybe i should put it in my msn name so i can be like everyone else. har.
Actually i got it more for Jordan because I know he'd like really not that into video games. I'd rather spend the money on paying off my student loans or tuition or even RENT lol. even clothes or even a trip somewhere..But im really excited about this, heard lots of good things. i think its gonna be worth it! As long as jorge is happy, then I know I made the right choice.
In addition i got reservations at Canoe this weekend for winterlicious! -- but thats not nearly as exciting anymore compared to that news up there..I should actually just cancel our reservations so we can stay in and play the wii all day and all night. ha ha
Lastly, I've finally decided what i wanted to do post-graduation. (Yay i know!) My dad shrieked in happiness when i finally told him that today on the phone. hahaa. i've NEVER heard him shriek before. EVER. i've never heard ANY full grown adult man shriek before. haaa he's such a nerd i love it! education EXCITES the living daylights out of him. he's my inspiration.
I told him my primary interest is to get a MBA. However, it requires work experience and would I really want to go back to school after working? I mean, if I had a choice i'd be out of school and working right now! We'll see how my marks are for that.
If that doesn't pull through, I plan to go to professional school for Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy (or somewhere along those lines).
On the side, (possibly for volunteer work) I would love to do Event Planning for different organizations and/or charitable events.
hope i wont change my mind! I guess I have a future to look forward to now eh? Looking forward to it!
<3 js
January 26, 2007
time: 1/26/2007 01:01:00 AM
jaimee you can't cut your eyebrows.
jaimee cut her eyebrows and some of her hair off with her craft scissors cause she thought that it would make her pretty. lol. because I apparently "cut" mine.
oh sweety, you're already so beautiful- you don't need to cut your eyebrows to look pretty.
she really brings joy in the littlest things in life.
sometimes you just gotta record these moments or else they'll be lost forever.
snoochie boochies.
<3 js
January 19, 2007
time: 1/19/2007 12:01:00 AM
You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:13-16
<3 js
January 04, 2007
time: 1/04/2007 12:45:00 AM
what do you mean, cancel?

they're cancelling the OC?!!!! no more sethummer? no more christmukkahs to look forward to? no more sandy and kristin??? how am i going to live?! thursday is just going to be another plain old weekday. Last airing date: Thursday Feb 22nd, 2007. :'( This calls for a party..a huge OC party with martinis with mini umbrellas and orance slices and red party cups. A night of laughter and tears. ( more tears than laughter ofcourse) i just dont' know what to do...its so sad. I think for the last episode they should bring marissa back from the dead. haaha. we're all waiting for that moment to happen.
anyway i've been back at school just started my very hectic first day back with a 3 hour lab and a prelab assignment due already! gettin' right into things..i definately am missing toronto alot. i miss my jaimee. me and her had this huge bonding moment this break. touching, is how i'd describe it. it was such a relaxing holiday and a memorable new years eve. i got to see all my family..that includes extended family. my mom has 8 siblings so every time we have a family get-together its a good 30+ of us. hooray for family. i have the cooolest cousin's everr! and speaking of cousins, debbie just got a condo with her boyfriend and a couple other friends dt waterfront and they're having a house warming party :D! which i can't make it to becuz im stuck here in loo going to p's "black and white tie affair" lol. but im uber happy (whoa did i just use the word "uber"??) for their apartment and new kitty.. i cant wait to see the place.
lastly i would like welcome the new year with open arms...(except for the part that the OC is ending). out with the old and in with the new...lets see what '07 brings us. (its bringing me the age of 21 thats what.) =D
ok back to bed ready for another full day of schoooling. goodnight and goodbye!
<3 js