September 21, 2006
time: 9/21/2006 09:40:00 PM
dear mrs. hermit
Dear Mrs. Hermit (you know who you are),
Because of your hermit-like ways, you have left us all in utter confusion and dismay. Since you do not have a logical explanation for your disappearing acts for the past... MONTH.. we're out of ideas in how to bring our padthai obsessed/dramaqueen/artsy fartsy/camera geek friend back to humanization. So if you're reading this now (in your cubby hole that you've been hiding in for all this time), i think its time you'd retire from this "hermit-like" persona and start going back to the regular old self - because waterloo is just that much funner when you're around. That is all. Thank you. :)
Sincerely Yours,
PS we miss you
<3 js
September 17, 2006
time: 9/17/2006 05:21:00 PM
its about time
its about time
... to update. :D
hmm. well the term has just started and i've moved into a new house with 2 of my friends, and 3 other strangers who i've come to love living with. Except you see, 3 of the ppl who im living with are vegetarians so they have their own fridge, cutlery, and seperate drying rack for dishes - meat is strictly prohibited from even touching their stuff..religious purposes. And guess what Jessica does the first day she moves in and starts cooking dinner? (oh gawd i hope the ppl in this house never find out about this blog.. because..) well EUGE really, not me.. decided to cut RAW CHICKEN on a plate..instead of a cutting board..and just so happens that the plate i handed him to use is the one from THEIR cabinet. oopsiess.But like if they'll never know, it wont hurt them right? :O im so oo sorry, i felt sooo bad.. >.< If it helps we washed the plate EXXTRA extraa clean... :( But i really do adore this house, i love my new room...andd get this: we get housecleaning every 2 weeks!! i get my ROOM CLEANED! :0 and our landlord sent us rice crispies :) I am one happy tenant.
SO I just finished my first week of school... taking Organic Chem (266), zoology, ecology, and another course i haven't decided on taking yet. Monday started with 1 class at 11:30 then NSR (new students reception) in the evening for uwccf. Tons of fresh meat this year... not to discourage froshies but..uw is waay too overpopulated..i had to line up to get into one of my buildings for my lecture! Wasn't very happy about that. And i bike around campus but since its been so busy on campus theres really no reason to bike becuase im going just as fast as a regular walking person since its so crowded. And people don't know how to move out of the way for bikers. ahh. ok done ranting. dont get me wrong, i love froshies! and welcome to the bestest university in all of Canadaaa..!! :)
Anyway after NSR i met up with Laura, Brescia, and Vicky and headed down to FED101.. *woot woot* FED was FUN THIS TIME .. almost the entire waterloo and laurier 3rd/4th year showed up! GOOD TIMES MATE.
Hm. Wednesday came along and I went to lccf. sweet bunch of nitty gritties.
Thursday consisted of Morty's with A.Toe! and friends. GOOD TIMES. Happy baptism and 8 month leave for Japan A.Toe, we'll miss you <3 Then after wings at Morty's it was Colette's (my ex-housemate's) bday party at Annettes! Bangin'of a good time. Until someone complained about the " noise" level.. i guess from the open porch..but we weren't rowdy at all. BEATS ME.. happy 20th C. second floor loveeeeee. =D
Anyway, a very misfortunate event this week was the shooting at Dawson college in Montreal. Very very tragic, and the thing that upsetted me the most was the fact that the guy "Trench" as he calls himself, shot himself in the head after a police shot him in the leg. Talk about taking the "easy way out"...its just sad. Im not really mad at him for doing that, but just mad at the fact that someone could just give up at life like that. To put a gun to your head and pull.. you only see that in movies... life is just not worth living i guess?..til this day i still can't grasp "death" still terrifies me. Its the reason why im so against and can't understand concepts like suicide, capital punishment, or euthanasia. Death is just one of those things that gets more real and real the older you grow. I can't grasp that stuff. And its a reason why im scared to visit my grandma in the nursing home. i'm scared to face the truth that people get old. people age. and people can't do things anymore when they get remembering things or simple things like stand and walk. its really scary. i do visit when i can, but emotionally, its one of the hardest things i have to do.
aw this entry started with GOOD TIMES, and ended with the morbid truth of life. but thats just the way the cookie crumbles right? (wrong context? :X). Its how life rolls. Really, all i can do is live life everyday with meaning and with the mindset to change the world into a better place through the little things that i can do.
Have a good week blog roamers..!!
*happy birthday mom.
PS imu cm & ks
<3 js