June 09, 2006
time: 6/09/2006 01:44:00 AM
not-so-deep thoughts by me. (pic by natalie dee)

<3 js
June 05, 2006
time: 6/05/2006 06:20:00 PM
feelings, nothing more than... feelings
We were at dq today because i had a sad day - i got my molecular bio midterm back - and i eat ice cream whenever i have crappy day. i have this misconception that eating ice cream will not only fill my stomache, but my heart aswell - a quick remedy for the broken hearted. lol (its actually just an excuse to go get ice cream, it doesn't really work. )
so we were sitting and eating our BROWNIE EARTHQUAKE, BANANA SPLIT, and COCONUT CREAM PIE BLIZZARD, i was sharing with p, c, and e that.. "sometimes when im really sad, it feels like i have no soul".
after everyone finished laughing at my comment c finally replied, "NO ONE should evvverrr feel that way.."
the worst feeling in the worlddddd (or maybe one of the top worst feelings...definately top 5) would be the feeling of emptiness. you know? like feeling that you serve no purpose, you have no direction, youre not growing or working towards any goal...or worst yet - you have no identity. not only is your heart an empty void, but your soul is like...lost? or even worse...non-existant. which is crazy thinking. i know its not true, like OBVIOUSLY i have a SOUL...but like just the feeling of that. brings chills down your back doesnt it? BUT i think its SO IMPORTANT to ask yourself these questions, to know who you are and give yourself meaning to these 70-80 years on earth. and even more importantly, everyone should feel that they have self-worth and value.
Soul meets Body
on a similar note, one of my biggest fears is death. my mind cannot comprehend such an event. i know as a Christian i shouldnt be scared of death. i guess my body is just temporary, but my soul is eternal? but just the thoughts of dying and not existing on earth anymore, disappearing off the face of the planet. even heaven and hell...blows my mind. we talk about heaven and hell all the time, but to really except and believe that its real and one day we'll be there. and for all of eternity?... MIND BLOWING.
Back to earth
so lets talk about my summer. back to normal conversing...
may 24 long weekend came around and a couple friends and i planned a camping trip to Sauble Beach up north. long story short, we returned that night at 4am. you can ask me for details. but it was fun while it lasted...the 1 hour that it did last. lol.
also annette had her 20th bday party at her loo house. so me and my housemates decided to make a chocolate cake for her bday in a shape of an A. and it was beautifullll, and i didn't manage to set off the smoke alarm. heh we cut the cake in the shape of an A, covered it with chocolate icing, and then spinkled it with star-shaped pink, white and blue sprinkles. SO PRETTY. and so delicious. and it was a super fun party cause alot of people came up from out of town. woot woot for parties.
i just came back from alias' niagra falls trip. i took me a total of.. one hour to tell euge my entire trip when i got back..and it was cut short cause i had to go eat dinner. lol. one hour of non stop blabbering, and him going.. "um hmm" between every couple phrases. takes alot to be my boyfriend. haha. i had so much fun i love that bunch. thanks for a FUNTASTIC weekend. theres a million and one stories to share about that trip so i wont even bother to start. but i would love to start if you ask me in person. its just not something you can type out. but im warning you it will take up like an hour of your time. lol
on top of all that, me and euge had our 3 YEARS ANNIV. that we both did nothing for yet...just becuase we were in the middle of exam week and craziness. but he promised me to take me to the AFRICAN LION SAFARI!!!! IM SOOOOOO excited.
i have my slo-pitch game tomorw, dodgeball friday and my toxicology midterm on thurs that i didn't find out about til earlier today. i also brought my BIKE up so now i can wake up later cuz it now only takes me 5 min to get to class as opposed to 20! *YAY for me* i also brought my bathing suit up so im going to start swimming at the rec centre this week with kay.
hows THAT for an update eh? i could go on but i should really stop procrastinating and start reading.
til next time
<3 js