March 30, 2006
time: 3/30/2006 04:50:00 PM
smells like school spirit
waaaaat - schoool's out! (pretty much..except for...*cringes* f-fffinals)
and boy what a year it was. another year here made me identify myself with this school alot more. no longer a clueless frosh walking aimlessly around campus trying to find my way around, not knowing anything - but now it seems that this school has grown a little on me - i can say im fiiiiting in and getting myself prettty comfortable with this place. its grown from unfamiliar to somewhat warm and home-like. crazy i know. (but tha'ts what i wanted, so its a good thing)
well i guess 2nd year is over for me. i got to meet a bunch a new ppl this year and im really grately for the ppl i chose to become closer with. aaand i've learned alot about different ppl. i guess ppl's true side are really starting to show and you start to realize who you really want to spend time with or get to know better.
through my experiences this year i think i have a better picture of what maturity is, and what it isnt. maturity in relationships (bf/gf), maturity in school, maturity as a housemate, maturity as a friend, maturity as a christian, and maturity as just a person overall. its not just maturity, but also knowing how to balance your life and making decisions with your head on straight. making decisions not based on your own emotions and feelings but acting with an open mind and heart. i think as university students there is sooo much growing up in each of us to do... and im still learning. next year i hope to see alot of us maturing in our own ways - whatever it may be.
anyway i would lastly like to end off this post with a word to my fellow students. i would just like to say that school is important and that it should be of "primary importance"...BUT i mean, do'nt throw these years of univ away worrying bout marks and stressing over school. enjoy it. make the most out of what you have here. hopefully we can all look back at this time in our lives in univ and see that these couple years consisted of things accomplished that extend deeper than just the degree we graduate with.
waterloser at heart.
<3 js
March 19, 2006
time: 3/19/2006 11:28:00 PM
i'mmmm movinggggg - i think we've found a place for next semptember..and im sooooooo excited!!! one big gorgeous house... i have my pen out ready to sign this contract.
details to come.
location: westside, right off of westmount across from the colleges.
reasons to visit next year:
- we have a *nice* pool table in our basement, and possibly a brand new pingpong table coming.
- theres a community outdoor pool and tennis courts 2 seconds from our house. (i thiiiink we can use it)
and there much more reasons but not nearly as top notch as those up there.
and now we have cable TV so we can watch TV and be normal like the rest of the world. *yay*
<3 js
March 12, 2006
time: 3/12/2006 08:00:00 PM
A friendly reminder:

<3 js
March 10, 2006
time: 3/10/2006 12:38:00 AM
hiii guys.
in the reflective, solemn mood im in right now, and my blog is calling out to me to update. so here i am...
hmm. it was a fan-tabulous week, this week. um, stressing, but ultimately good times - especially on tues. my parents and jaimee came up to surprise me in the morning.. heard knocking on my door when i just got up. it was so sweeeet. jaimee kept her promise..of making me a bday cake (which unfortunately got a little burnt, so they had to eventually buy one =P ) - what a sweetheart eh? *love*
thanks to you guys for coming out on tues, or calling, e-mailing, card signing, post-carding or messaging to wish me on my "half way to 40", or cake/present/ice cream buying, or treating me out to eats. and also to those who helped tues night happen when you guys had exams, assignments and presentations the next day. =) you guys are superstars.
i can't wait for this weekend up come too. yes, for saturday, but im really fixed on seeeing p, colette, and kay friday night. i need some quality girl time. i am in need of them. i love you too anj (no i didn't forget about you) =)
um, another sorta good thing this week was when we managed to get our presentation deferred til tuesday. sigh. carson do not do that again. you put the greys in my hairs (that is, if i had grey hairs - which i don't, but will soon get if you pull another one of these again..>.< !) SIGH. my tolerance only goes so far.
lastly, to you ( if youre ever going to read this): im a stupid stupid girl who is confused and undeserving. i don't know what i want. or what is real. i know i have alot to work on.
*anj, if youre reading this. stop smoking - its bad for you.
k, goodnight to whoever is reading this. thanks for lending an ear.

happy birthday to all the march babies. all 20 million of you guys. i swear theres like one of us every other day.
<3 js