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date: December 16, 2005
time: 12/16/2005 03:09:00 AM

all i want for christmas is...

(there's only 10...)

  1. for pooj to stop washing her dirty shoes and feet in the kitchen sink or in cooking pots.
  2. for pooj to stop eating all the cheese and peanut butter in the house.
  3. for anj to come home from "dxb" a week earlier so i don't have to live home alone and with 2 strangers the first week back of school.
  4. jaimee to get a pair of pink and orange socks that she wants for christmas.
  5. to visit colette's apartment on queens quey
  6. for walter to stop shedding hair
  7. for walter to stop hiding in pooj's bed cuz she's severely allergic...
  8. that i'll get kay's giraffe clothing rack, bedside table, AND lamp for next term. anj, you can have her nature posters... lol
  9. for lauren to fix my paper-thin windows, so i don't have to wake up every single time a car drives by or that every single time it rains it sounds like its hailing.
  10. for everyone to get good on their exams. and to have a safe and merry christmas. and for those traveling on airplanes to have a safe flight there and back. and for whoever that took anj's oc dvds to return them. and (since the oc was mentioned,) for seth and summer to end up in Brown together. :)

k, i think thats it..!


in a matter of..like 2 days posting this post, 2 of my christmas wishes came true.

4. not only did carson get jaimee her socks in her favorite colours, but he threw in an orange shirt and pink pants from GAP with it. *yay carson!!*

10.2 a christmas miracle happend on westmount!! my buddy anj was taking the taxi home at 8am the other day from the library and on the drive back through the terrible snow, the back of a truck hit the taxi as it was changing lanes (also going at a very fast speed), and smashed into the drivers side of the car, and completely destroyed the left side of the vehicle. the cab driver's face, ears, hand was covered in pieces of glass, and dripping in blood. luckily, anj was sitting on the opposite side of the car where she was unharmed, having time to cover herself from all the glass and to call 911.

2 comments <3 js

date: December 08, 2005
time: 12/08/2005 09:54:00 PM



..at The Departmant of National Defence ...?!!
Armforce Base in Downsview

i cannot be more thankful at this time of the year. =D

2 comments <3 js

date: December 06, 2005
time: 12/06/2005 03:06:00 PM

this is what christmas would taste like if it were ice cream:

i don't think i've ever seen a kid cry that hard before...

0 comments <3 js

time: 12/06/2005 12:59:00 AM

blond moment

so me and my buddy kayla and i were on our way to the bus to cfc sunday morning..but just our luck..we miss the bus by like 30 seconds... so we decided to go to the catholic church right behind our house instead.

i've never attended catholic service, except for one last year (which didn't really count cause i went in late). to tell you the truth..i was incredibly nervous before going in. just walking up to the church gave my butterflies in my stomache. i just wasn't used to how traditional looking it was..it was sorta intimidating, but really cool at the same time..i love experiencing and learning about different religions and what not..

so my story starts when we were trudging up the street to the church. it was a huge tall brown bricked church, with stained glass windows on the side. inside had statues of mary and such at the front of the temple. candles lit, and the overall aura was very ... traditional looking. im not used to that setting at all. im only in those sorta of churches for weddings and such. im just used to an empty gymnasium with a stage on sundays..

well, when the service started we started singing hymns...out of the hymn book. i was like..hey we have these at ET (my home church)..but we only use them like once a year.. they're not sooo bad... then we start singing..and its sooo serious and mellow..and mono-toned. and an organ played..which was really neat.. kinda... i never get to hear organs- except when untie rose used to play it during our Christmas services back in the day..plus, it was so hard to sing to the hymns cuz all the songs are in like F maj and B-flat and such.. im just accustomed to the same old G and C maj, but i tried my best to learn the new songs and stay in key which wasn't too successful .. it was pretty cool becuase there was a whole choir upstairs that was singing along with us..

anyway..the whole time i was so nervous becuase it was all too overwhelming..plus i was the only asian. i tried my best not to attract attention. well when we were singing i was so nervous i dropped the hymn book on the floor!! (who does that! a newbie, thats who)..and i was soo embarassed cuz it was soo loud when it fell.. :(

then communion came along (apparently they have it every week). kayla asks me if i wanna go up..and i'm like sure! so we go up row by row..and lucky me i was sitting on the edge , which meant i was the first to get up in our row to get the bread. so im trying my best to act cool.. i go up to the guy tha'ts handing out the bread (no, it wasn't the priest), i accepted the bread, and he's standing there waiting for me to say or do something. i'm like..uhhh...thank you. and i walk back to my seat. when we get back to the pews (we're actually kneeling on the floor) i turn to kayla and whisper..was i suppose to say something to the guy? and she's like..well most ppl say amen..but you don't have to. im like...oooh tha'ts why he gave me a funny look.

then! its not over yet.. im holding my bread for like 15minutes waiting for everyone to go up to get their bread..and when they're done..everyone stands up and starts singing another hymn. then i turn to my dear friend kayla once again and ask her..aren't you guys gonna eat it? and she'slike.. youre supposed to eat it when the guy hands it to you at the front. then i totally panic and shove it down my throat... and kayla just tries her best to hold in her laugh while im' sitting there dying in embarrassment. lol.

i just hate being in a unknown territory and having to be the idiot who knows nothing.

2 comments <3 js

date: December 05, 2005
time: 12/05/2005 12:56:00 AM

whats wrong with me

i don't have any allergies, i don't wear glasses (yet!), and i don't have any serious illnesses or anything, and i've never been to the hospital before for any surgery or what not..but i think i may have one or two disorders..

ok i don't even know if they're real or if they're even that seroius to claim that i suffer from these.. but i would just like to share these concerns with whoever reads this..anyway, here goes:

  1. i studder when i get too excited. like when im about to tell a REALLY exciting story (well i get excited over alot stories..), i get so over excited and i just don't know how to start it..so a million words come out all at once or nothing comes out, and i keep trying to say it properly..but i just can't.. then i get so frustrated at myself for having such speech impediments..and everyone just starts laffing or just gives me a blank look. -.- i hate studdering..but you so desperately want to get it out..but the word just doesn't come out!! *argh* its tough!
  2. problem numbah two: i think im "speech dyslexic". like i know dyslexic ppl mix up words, or have them backwards when they're writing..but i do that ALL THE TIME when i talk. just today me and my housemaets were in colette's room i was sharing a story about my friend and my freind kayla asks: "she got her stomache pumped?" and i was like, "no she didn't get her pomache stumped". and everyone just burts out laughing. but i do it all the time..you think its a disorder? like i'd always switch words around in the same sentence and even switch vowels around in different words in the same sentence. weird eh? its happened so often that everyone takes notice of it..

anyway, im cool if i have speech impediments. its nothing to be ashamed of... if its one thing tha'ts wrong with me.. having speech impediments aint that bad! :)

2 comments <3 js

about moi.

Jessica Sit

Love, Laugh, and Live Life.


"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Cor 4:18 NIV

previous posts

more about me

currently reading: confessions of a shopaholic series

crazy about:jaimee

can't get enough of: the hills.. sigh. love it.

