October 30, 2005
time: 10/30/2005 03:07:00 AM
monster bash

quite the guests over the other night: guy from prison break, weezer, ron burgandy and the channel 4 news crew, phantom of the opera, caveman, fireman, princesses, fairies, paula abdul, wonderbread, hillbilly, golf caddy, communist Chinaman, the girl from Napolean dynamite, the girl from the Grinch, snow white, cow girl, candyman, trailor park boy, G.I. Joe, marilyn monroe, superman, just to namea few off the top of my head. it was good times..except for walter who cut his paw fromwe're not too sure what. :( sorry walt. but it was sooo incredibly fun we're gonna have part 2, sometime in the near future...
<3 js
October 26, 2005
time: 10/26/2005 02:00:00 PM
diamonds aren't forever

oh my goodness. i was taking a shower before class this morning and while i was showering, i heard something small drop down. i immediately felt my neck and realisd that the pendent on my necklace (the one with the pearl and diamonds-all real) fell off and down the drain!! i like immediately turned off the water, put a towel on, dripping wet, with like soap still on me and ran out seeing if anyone could help. it was the most terrible morning ever :( i don't think its big enough to get stuck in the pipes( the diamonds aren't big enough to do that heh) so i think its pretty much gone forever. called my landlord, maybe she can call a plumber and try to figure something out. i feel terrible. it was a bday present too - it had so much sentimental value. :'(
looks like no one's gonna take a shower upstairs for a while.. o_0
<3 js
time: 10/26/2005 12:14:00 AM
it was supposed to be a surprise
so eugene's bday is around the corner (nov 27th to be exact). see, every year is such a headache for me because bdays are a huge deal..esp for euge because he's not just any boy. so every year i want to get something that he's been wanting for a long time..and that i have to save up a huge amount of money to get. (with the no i income i get :( )
but every year he just gets disappointed. :(
- ok for example last year. i got him this GUESS watch he's been eyeing for a long time. he wanted the one specifically with a diamond. (geez!) so i went in and spend HOURS deciding the exact frame, colour, diamond what not deciding which one would look good on his wrist, and which one he would like or what not. i even kept bugging the sales person to try on like 5 different kinds just so i can kinda see what it would look like. then im all excited to give it to him on his bday and he's wants the other type. (that looks the exact same to me..but the cutting is like a little off). that broke my heart.
- second example was THIS year. i'm actually a month early for this gift - i found out that kanye west was coming to toronto for a show at the acc, and i thought it would be fun if we went for his bday. and i totally wanted to surprise him! but he TOTALLY found out becuase he was too anxious and he totally ruined the surprise. AND on top of that..he kept on saying how much he wants to go to a leafs game. sorry that i'm disappointing you with kanye! man! and you thought I would be the high maintainence/fussy person in the relationship.
so from now on i've decided that euge just isn't getting bdays anymore. i cant handle this guy. ahah. any takers? ehhee
(PS: steve i totally got you hooked on this song! haha)
<3 js
October 24, 2005
time: 10/24/2005 02:10:00 AM
its good.
this year has been such a blessing so far. keep it coming, i'm loving it so far.
i'm loving my house and the girls i'm living with.
i'm loving having such an amazing bf with me here.
i'm loving the new friends i've made in my classes, and the old ones ( old as in..8-12 month old friends from 1st year)
i'm loving the times i can talk to my family on the phone, or come back home and spend with them.
i'm loving the times i can call up my high school buds after not seeing them for months and it feels just like the old times when we go out.
i'm loving going to ET on sundays when im back home
i'm loving the random msn messages i get from old friends, it reminds me how ppl don't forget about the friendships built in the past.
i'm loving ken taylor's messages lately - 'miracle man', miracles are happening
im loving walter's accompaniement when i'm alone in the house at times.
nothing seems impossible, nothing seems "too big" to accomplish...
there seems to be a certain fulfilment lately. its due to many certain circumstances lately in my life and i can't help but love life at the moment.
praise Him
<3 js
October 23, 2005
time: 10/23/2005 12:48:00 AM

i miss my baby sister. (that's jasmine beside her) i miss u sooo much jaimee. i'm coming home soon for youuu.
<3 js
October 15, 2005
time: 10/15/2005 06:36:00 PM
being sick stinks
thx to buckleys, hot honey and lemon tea, and tons of campbells chicken noodle..i feel 80% better! =)
<3 js
October 13, 2005
time: 10/13/2005 01:24:00 AM
it just doesn't mix.
it too bad that the two of my favorite-est things in the world can't be together at the same just doesn't work that way does it?
these two things im talking about are jaimee and walter. yes, walter loo is his name.. (it wasn't me that named was colette! i swear - i think its witty. hehe)
walter is my cat (in my house at loo). sometimes people think im talking about an old man when i refer to my cat. but i personally like the name. i know its not a cat name..but since when are animals not allowed to be given human names? exactly. walter's a relly nice cat. he's real friendly, and he knows how to open doors. impressive eh? he's a smartone. well the story with walt is that he followed a coupla of my housemates home one day at night. so colette took him in and now we have a pet cat until we find its owner. i wonder what his real name is. i think he likes the name walter though...its better than any other animal namei know..he's prolly not even a guy either..ohwell he is now ! ha ha
and jaimee is my lil 3 year old sister. i have tons of pics up in my room of her, and everyone has their favorite jaimee picture on my wall. my favorite picture of my sister is the one with her posing like a ballerina in her blue's clues bathing suit at the beach. jaimee's favorite colours are orange and pink. she says she wants to paint her room orange and pink all mixed together. her best friend is jasmine -well, they're not relly best friends. my mom and her mom (anne the flight attendant) are like best freinds - which makes them automatically best freinds cause they see each other all the time. To tell you the truth, i don't even think jaimee likes jasmine. lol. but she relly doesn't have a choice if she does or doesn't - they're still best freinds whether they like it or not.
so the problem is jaimee is allergic to walter. :( *boooo* and so are alot of ppl..i had no idea so many ppl were allergic to cats. so now i try to keep walt out of my room for jaimee's sake.
sorry walt :(
tuesdays are now called "laguna tuesdays" becuase every tuesday now me and carson are heading over to laura and brescia's place to watch this amazingly shallow, yet amazing show..laguna beach. laura is too awesome for letting us over.
been taking buckley's alot cuz ive been getting sick. ew its soo gross. but it works
going over to ali's place for lunch tomorw! she's cookin...since when does she make food? haha. i guess we'll see. haven't seen her all year so i'm super excited.
these are my random thoughts late at night.. sry if i don't make any sense at all.i'm tired..
nitey nite!
<3 js
October 10, 2005
time: 10/10/2005 08:17:00 PM
i won't worry my life away.
if you ask euge, he could tell you that i am the most "ridiculous"person everrr becuase i worry SOOOo much about the littlest things, that it eats my insides away. and i know its all in the mind, so why let it get to me? is it becuase i have insecurities? becuase thinking that way will better prepare me for the worst?
taking small situations and blowing it out of proportion in my mind is something i tend to do a little too often - something that shouldn't be done at all. it prevents me from being me. from doing things i want to do. things intimidate me or scare me from fully engaging myself. things that will make me vulnerable.
it hurts me alot. and it hurts the poeple around me. multiplier effect that. *sry, econ jk* heh
i chose not to worry my life away.
how do i start?
<3 js
October 03, 2005
time: 10/03/2005 04:09:00 PM

give thankz. 
<3 js
October 02, 2005
time: 10/02/2005 10:45:00 PM
i am drawn to people who have
<3 js