August 30, 2005
time: 8/30/2005 09:05:00 PM
busy bee
ever since i got back from cuba, i haven't seen my family AT ALL. i only see them late at night when i come home or early in the morning when i leave for work.
life's just been so rush rush rush lately. softball just finished, i just started working at the EX, and since mark only hired rose and i, we've been getting 7-9 hour shifts everyday..its crazy. plus for me to bus it to the ex takes me 1.5 hours..thats if i drive to stc. so if i work a normal day, by the time i get home i have a late dinner and its time to sleep.
on top of that theres soooo much to do for school. first of all, i'm moving into a house..that isn't furnished at all. plus i have to figure out the phone/internet/TV bill, and figure out stuff for my unfurnished room :( ..i mean it doesn't even come with a bedframe or mattress. sigh. and on top of that i hope i got into this class i called the prof for an override for, pay for my tuition, finish osap stuff, get USB form signed, and start packing to leave again ... my head is soo clouded with school!
i miss jaimee already. im too busy for my sister. sigh. when i'm not working i'm frantically doing other stuff, whether it be softball stuff, school stuff, or just life little errands you have day to day. i barely have time to just sit in front of the TV and relax. speaking of which i reached my goal for the softball season of getting a legit double! ahah. i got 3 on sat during playoffs! 2 of them were legit. tha'ts all i relly wanted ..right, that and a double play..but thats not possible due to my ankle. anyway, busy busy life needs mad prayer.
its 10:30 pm..and im going to the post office now, then britt's house, then sleep, then wake up at 7:30 for work til 4, then rush back for banquet, then who knows what...
<3 js
August 28, 2005
time: 8/28/2005 12:30:00 AM

capital - Havana 
<3 js
time: 8/28/2005 12:24:00 AM

fresh lobster from the pacific ocean 
<3 js
time: 8/28/2005 12:04:00 AM

vara dero, cuba. 
<3 js
August 13, 2005
time: 8/13/2005 09:33:00 AM
i'm leaving for cuba tomorrow after churchhhh!!! 8 days, all-inclusive... =D
AND i got a job yesterday! at the cne. so make sure to come visit me. i'm selling orchids, bamboo, and bonzai trees. lol. its in the heritage building so i have A/C so thats all that relly matters! i booked off weekends too for games and days off for practices, my boss is relly understanding. im even going to miss training next week and making the schedule with the rest of the workers (3 other workers) cuz i'll be down south, but he was RELLY nice about it. i got the job through human resources at the CNE trailors. oh man, was it painful. i had to wake up at 6 and take the GO down to the CNE, look for the "CNE trailers" and wait in line for a couple hours to sign up for an interview. then wait til 2pm for my actual interview. thankgoodness for nish who took me out for SUSHI for lunch during the wait. the actual interview was long! like a goood 20 min. during that time i got to meet some people waiting in line, 'strangers can be really nice!
anyway, so i'm soo extremely GLAD i got this job becuase i am going to that BELL place once i get back from my trip and getting my money and quitting that job. the actual job, relly wasn't bad at all. the only thing that relly pissed me off was my BOSS. i relly don't like many of my bosses eh? anyway..he doesn't pay me. and he's never in the office, so i hardly ever see him. he says he's relly "busy" right now. and whenever i call him to talk about pay, he always brushes it off and tells me he'll come in tomorw to talk about it. then he NEVER SHOWS UP. so i am extremely PISSED at how UNPROFESSIONAL he is, how just because he's "busy" he doesn't care about his employers or what not. he has no idea when i come in to work..(my hours) or anything. does he even know my NAME?! i was even more upset when he didn't show up and i called him AGAIN about my pay and he told me we'll discuss it after i come back from my vaca.
i feel sorta bad for going on vacation cuz i'll be missing soo many games with the team. i can't believe half our games in the season fall in one week for us...coincidentally THIS week when i'm gone. it sucks MORE for me becuase i'm a girl so it effects the team even more. but i talked to a couple leaders and some ppl on the team about it, so i got it off my chest... they understand..hopefully..
anyway, its gonna suck becuase my foot started hurting again. i started to LIMP again! :( !!! i RELLY RELLY hope it gets alot better next week and esp for the playoffs.
anyway pray for safety and everything...and go out to the O's games if you can! they really appreciate your support since so many players are missing! GL O's next weekk
<3 js
August 10, 2005
time: 8/10/2005 01:11:00 AM
i was at yorkdale this sunday, and it was soo weird..cuz when i was walking through the mall, i saw a girl..and i was like..omg. is that ula?! (this girl that used to go to my grade school and we were like best friends, then she moved away somewhere and i haven't seen her since..grade 6!!) then i look away for a sec, look back then i see May from my team. and i'm like...whoa whoa. what's going on? then apparently, they were there freinds. whoa so weird.
then i approached them and said hi to may and i was like..ULA? then she was like...JESS? and we both start screaming. ahahah. in the middle of the mall. then i turn to may and start talking about practices and our games..and then i turn back to ula and start catching up with the past 7 years since we've been apart. so weird. then apparently, sam(antha) knows her too, they have classes at UT together.
then later on msn and find out how we both know justin kim and shirley ho from donmills. and how euge knows her sister. surprise surprise, euge knows another girl...ahah *don't beat me for saying that euge..its true and you know it!*
so now she's a genius..doing kin at UT and maintainign an awesome avg. and she was saying how I was the "smart" one. oh man. don't i miss the days when i used to be "smart". sigh. once you go to loo, everyone is smarter than you. everyone. except for the arts kids. ahah :P i feel so dumb when i go there. its cool how much we have in common. we talked about how we both love marciano, and how we both want to try this restaurant out (monte cristo). <--check it out.
but its cool how sometimes you just bump into ppl who you least expect. its great. like how this summer i went to this vball tourney with bobby, and i bumped into grace (she was ref-ing). it was soo awesome seeing her again. ahah she sed i lost weight. again, it was awesome seeing her again. heheh
oh ya. another time was when i went to the ymca summer job program presentation thing..and i bumped into cindy there. what a coincidence that we signed up for the same one.
AND way back when i went to inside with euge's high school buds..we bumped into his roomate PHILEAS and GARRY!. crazy. oh ya even julie, asako, and this other cindy that same night.
even going to softball games you bump into just random ppl. ohohoh. like how i bumped into this guy named sam. we had dinner apparently with a group of friends once at bubbletease and he was there. cool how he remmebred me. AND the weird part is..he's also on euge's "unify" worship team.
its a small world after all.
<3 js
August 07, 2005
time: 8/07/2005 10:43:00 PM
Fix You
When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
When the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
High up above or down below
When you too in love to let it go
If you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Tears streaming down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears streaming down your face and I
Tears streaming down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face and I
<3 js
August 03, 2005
time: 8/03/2005 12:46:00 PM
hey students
these links really helped me choose my courses this year
ya..own up those bird courses! hopefully u guys will find this useful. profs make a big difference.
my fall term:
stats 202
econ (macro)
not too bad eh? all except for microbio. that is going to be KILLER. i hope this is going to be a good term for ALL of us. well it will definately be better than 2nd term. becuase 2nd term is deadly. it has the month of march in it. and march is party month for us waterlooers becuase everyone here is born in the month (or very near to the month) of march. including me. the worst part was because when it was one of our birthdays, we would all make it a week of celebrations. ahah. we'd party it up a couple times in loo, then a couple more times in toronto..then a couple more times on rez...ahaha. and the march is right before the month of exams. we ALL got screwed over in our finals. ALL of us. and not to mention, march is also st. paddy's day in loo. enough sed. march is bad news.
<3 js
August 01, 2005
time: 8/01/2005 10:33:00 PM
woohoo awesome weekend. *rolls eyes* movies galore on my couch with a couple of my buds. buds as in: britt, carina, and mr. rob pearce, who actually strained his ankle too playing basketball. how ironic. ahah we were both watching movies with our leg in a bandage and being iced. thankgoodness for friends this weekend. i missed "sc". *tear* stuck at home with a strained ankle with no milk at home, no foods in the fridge, internet DOWN, and i almost started crying when i thought my stove stopped working. ahha. yups.
but then my prince in shining armor saved the day by driving down! =D bringing FOODS, MILK, a magazine, and the most important part...himself.
i think im spoiled. really. so does my mother. ah i love it.
<3 js