July 28, 2005
time: 7/28/2005 09:34:00 PM
strike one.
theres a bruise the size of a tennis ball on my right ankle, and i feel like crying cuase it hurts so much, so much that i had to drive with my left foot all the way home from the park, and my *ahem* is busy playing warcraft because he has to win.
am i asking for too much? >.<
<3 js
July 27, 2005
time: 7/27/2005 09:45:00 PM
today (day 2 of work)
WOW i made my first sale today!! WOW i didn't even know what i was doing... i sold this guy BELL ExpressVU satellite TV, and i usually do Bell's High Speed Internet, so i didnt'know my stuff that well..but he actually bought it in the end!! :o it feels awesome. im still in awe. you don't understand how many ppl i had to go thru to get one sale. its tough work. im actually sorta excited for work tomorw. AND i hope amy starts working with me soon! :D
i failed my G. im a GREAT driver...pshh. i drive like everyday! on the highway too.. i just got unlucky with a bad situation. nothing bad happend, i didn't hit anything or anything likethat. i just wasnt "defensive" enough she says. this car in the other lane (beside me)decided to turn into a street at the last minute. like he didn't signal til the last minute, so i had no idea he was going to slow down and turn. and i was making a lane change into his lane. so i came too close. like he didn't start signalling til i was alreddy half way into changing to the next lane. great. :( there goes another $75 out of my pockets. and i had soo much trouble finding a car to use too! i drove all the way to the airport in the morning to borrow pooj's car and drove ALL the way back to MORNINGSIDE, took my test and brought it back to sauga...for nothing. sigh. :( bad times.
then i had my first day at work. don't remember anything from it. didn't sell anything. got like 1 rude customer...most ppl are generally nice cause they understand that we're only ppl trying to make a living. its not an easy job... its actually relly discouraging.
then i had practice. all i can say is i relly need to sharpen up big time before our first game. and thats that. don't want to talk any more about that.
my grandma's coming home from NYC !! wow i actually MISS her ALOT. im relly proud of her. like she broke her HIP and she's still going out and seeing the world. i hope she's safe and that ppl treated her well..since she can't walk that well. i was actually relly worried about her when i dropped her off a month ago at the airport. can't wait to SEE HER!!!
next week
i have my interview for the EX august 6 in the morning. we'll see how it goes! woohoo go carnies. ahah.
<3 js
July 21, 2005
time: 7/21/2005 12:28:00 AM

theres a cute baby in my house. 
<3 js
July 19, 2005
time: 7/19/2005 12:55:00 AM
holy crap i miss this person soooo much right now.
<3 js
July 18, 2005
time: 7/18/2005 01:26:00 AM
sometimes life is tuff..sometimes life is so confusing..sometimes life is a struggle..but ALL the is a blessing...
*stole that off of euge's blog. he gets actually deep, once in a lifetime. good reminder for all of us.
<3 js
July 17, 2005
time: 7/17/2005 10:25:00 PM
boys suck.
(most) boys suck.
<3 js
July 14, 2005
time: 7/14/2005 01:14:00 AM
year 1 : complete
so i know school's been out for me since April, but i haven't really had the time to really reflect about this year in loo.
there's just incredibly so much that i've learned in every aspect of my life, or just life itself.
living in res was one thing. being put in a house full of 50 ppl, living on a floor with 15 other girls - remembering our first EVER house meeting and meeting everyone for the first time, having first impressions on ppl...ppl have first impressions on me. hah. how those first impressions fool ppl. when jenny siu first met me she thought i was a snobby gangster azn girl that goes to metro to play jitz all the time... ?!! this was after i asked her if i could borrow some toothpaste. again..?!! how is that snobby?! but we're cool now, obviously. and FYI she doesn't think i'm one bit snobby at all ;) ... pooj thought i hated her, cuz i wasnt talking to her during orientation cuz i was bored out of my MiND. lol i guess she took that personally. (cmon guys..this is uw frosh week..not UT..UW...oh the shame..and to hear this year was their best O-week..?!) but now we're "best bud-dies". and ruby. haha i thought she was the biggest alcoholic EVER. this girl put dreads in her hair using toothpaste. strange, yes. alcoholic? not so bad as i thought. irina, how i'm soo scared of her. but love her at the same time..out of fear. haha. (thers a story to go with that comment btw) ...then thers ali wong. i thought she was honestly the most popular person ever. she still is. lol. her phone would NOT stop ringing, and ppl would always be looking for her. (well that was only during like the first week, it died down a little eventually...hehe) and how can i forget. karen colaco, big cheeks karen. wut i thought of her i should refrain from posting on the World Wide Web. =0 ahah. but i love her to deathhh, her big hips and all- despite her many flaws. ;P
honestly. first impressions go so far - they might even prevent you from getting to know the greatest ppl God has put in front of you. well getting past those first impressions and relly getting to know each individual and who they were as a unique and identifyable (that even a word?) person was AMAZING. i met the most incredibly fun loving bunch of girls. *some i haven't mentioned like dee fletcher, ANJALI!, and kayla. we had tea parties in each others rooms, sleepovers, shower parties, dinners out, movies in, cried, laughed, shared and celebrated life together. its incredible how different we are..but at the same strikingly SIMILAR we are in many aspects.
who you choose to befriend and live life with is up to you. stepping out of my comfort zone and getting to know ppl of different backgrounds/beliefs/goals/morals, rewarded me an open mind, respect for diversity, and a great fulfillness in friendship.
thanks for a great year
<3 js