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date: June 27, 2005
time: 6/27/2005 05:13:00 PM

the monster

for those who love sushi...i just discovered the mother of all sushi restaurants.

its this small and modest little japanese restaurant on warden & steeles...(i think!) in the plaza where the T&T is. goes by the name of "monster sushi".
when i say mother, i don't mean like the size and atmosphere of the restaurant - i was purely talking about the quality of their sushi. the quality was a mother.
so euge and i had this buy one roll get the other one 50% off coupon - so we decided to give this place a try. its pretty expensive - but definately worth every penny. (buffet prices are pretty good..$17.99 with a 10% off special promo)
but ya i can't do buffets so we did up the rolls. ordered one called "the MONSTER" and another one called "ROCK & ROLL".

rock & roll : salmon salad on top, avacadoes, crab meat, etc. + special mayo like sauce

monster : smoked salmon wrapped around it, cream cheese, shrimp tempura, asparagus, avacodoe, etc. + that sauce they put on it.

the presentation was AMAZING. so classy, so fun, colourful and neat. this is not just ordinary sushi. not just a slab of meat they put on some rice. you can tell they put soo much time into each and every piece. being innovative and creative dishes that included asparagus/cream cheese? a must try.

words & expressions that came out of my mouth at the restaurant:
  • (after my first bite) gave eugene my 'OMG wut just happened' look
  • had to lie back on my chair and rest on the wall cuz my body in utter shock
  • "they just brought BC to toronto."
  • "euge, lets just take a moment to just sit back and look at this beauty before its all gone"
  • "i dont want to dip it in soy sauce and wasabi cuz it might overpower the actual taste of the roll"
  • THAT was amazing. (x15)

not only the sushi was top notch, the service was friendly. they gave us complimentary appetizer and dessert.

appetizer: seaweed (in that red kimchi sauce) and miso soup (with mushrooms in it...MUSHROOMS mmm)

dessert: cut oranges. it was real cute how they presented it. with quality toothpicks to use too.

the rolls were around $10.99 ea .. i believe the monster was like..$12.99? soemthing like that. pretty pricey, but everyone deserves to treat themselves to something special once in awhile.

0 comments <3 js

date: June 23, 2005
time: 6/23/2005 11:50:00 PM


so i got a call from ccnc today..and i didn't get the job. BUT its ok..cuz i'm sure the person they choose would do a great job..if not better job . congrats to whoever if was. it was a tuff call. they told me they had a hard time picking, we all had excellent qualifications ...there were 4 of us that got an interview..of the 200+ resumes they reviewed. :D that made me feel a lil better about myself. heh

but relly, i wouldve never gotten that interview in the first place without being soooo involved with the commitees at church and fellowship in the past coupla years. relly. i mean, the position was "program assistant". i would be helping out plan the events and conferences they held, and showing up to them to make sure everything would run smoothly - and thats pretty much all i did for the past coupla years in fello. help planning coffee houses, fri nite prog, cell group activities, etc.

so serving God comes first. and all the other great stuf that you may get from it is just a bonus. getting this interview was just a bonus. obvsiously i didn't join commitee just to get "experience" or get community service hours or to make my resume look better. heh. and that is the truth ppl. i choose to do it cuz i wanted to make serving God a priority in my life. that took alot of sacrifices. it meant taking ownership of the fello; excelling in ur role as a leader. that may include checking up on the worship team/prog leader to see if everything is alright and reddy - showing up early in fridays to offer help - investing time in relationships outside fridays - being involved and active even wen you're not in charge - focusing on young potentials and building them up to be strong leaders - envisioning God's plans and goals and turning those into a reality - prayer with leaders before prog starts - and soo much more.

i learned that

  1. being a leader isn't justbeing satisfied by doing ur role. but to extend the duties and responsibilities of ur role and excel. to do MORE than the recommended.
  2. you can't put God in a box. don't limit Him! omg don't doo that. becuase u'll be disappointed if things don't turn out ur way. maybe He has other plans tha'ts not exactly linear to wut you had in mind. its not about wut you want. its about wut He wants.
  3. if you have a vision for your felloship or retreat or wutever it is.. lets say you envision ur fello to "grow" or wut not. it starts with YOU. start planting those seeds. i mean if you want that in ur fellowship, ya its great to talk about it..but start acting! and don't wait for others to start. GOo for it!

it is soo rewarding to be part of a big picture. and everyone has the potential to be part of it. so why not. aren't we called to anyway?

* 1 down. 3 left. no, not exams, im talking about ed's goldfish. :( shhhh! he doesn't have to know! :X

3 comments <3 js

date: June 21, 2005
time: 6/21/2005 04:29:00 PM

gah..work today was terrible. i can't even start to explain why its soo bad. she's strict, very strict. a perfectionist, and HER way is the ONLY way. any other way is wrong and incorrect. its soo hard to have ppl be so hard on me and get upset at the littllest things. i feel that i'm looked down upon, that i don't know anything..i'm stupid in other words. she doesn't challenge me to work independently, to improve my weaknesses..but watches me like a hawk and spoon feeds me, and criticizes me and makes me feel like an insignificant spec..a Useless insignificant spec. getting mad at me at things like yawning at work, like turning on the wrong set of lights to go the basement, like not putting the cap back on the pen i'm using..like using whiteout incorrectly..?!!

it has to be done HER way. THIS is how you open the whiteout..this is how you put paper into the binder. :S i'm not exaggerating.and makes me feel sooo terrible wen i do it wrong too. like she actually makes me feel terrible and stupid wen i don't open the white out properly. it like damages my self-esteem and confidence. i just crack under the pressure sometimes..its hard to just take all the critism.critism for things you don't even understand y ur getting yelled at..and just suck it up and take it. cuz she's ur boss. and you can't talk back to her or confront her

i had lunch with my dad today..he picked me up during work..and talked to him bout how bad it was...and he was really understanding. i got to know him alot more...today just thru lunch. something i haven't done with him in ages... he was sooo understanding, something that surprised me. and he taught me alot about the work life,dealing with difficult ppl (haha) and just life in general.. i didnt'think he had that listening ear that i relly needed ... dad's are awesome. well MINE is.

i guess if my boss wasn't as strict and the perfectionist that she is..her business wouldn't where it is now. which is great.

but relly, im SOOOO incredibly thankful for the friends, family, and amazing boyfriend that loves me and relly cares truly about me. ppl that i can turn to after a horrible day of work and just borrow their shoulder to lean on. they are the ppl who has supported me through every decision i've made, the ppl who guided me through times of confusion, the ppl whose saved my butt in times in trouble. ppl that are just there for you, in the good and the bad. THEY are wut keeps me going in life. cuz God meant for us to be in RELATIONSHIP with ppl. He never meant for us to live life alone. and that I think, is one of the most comforting things to hear.

5 comments <3 js

date: June 16, 2005
time: 6/16/2005 10:14:00 PM

you know alot of ppl ask me what my email addy means. sigh. i've gotten that question too many times..so here is it just to clear it all up for good.

its pretty simple folks.


oceanus: no, not the body shop oceanus. ( i actually think it smells kinda gross) root word is 'ocean'. and i like oceans. (thumbs up to oceans. gg oceans) so if ur an oceanus, it can only mean one thing..you love the ocean. har =D

7:if you guys don't know why its #7, i am deeply hurt. it hurts as much as it hurts the ocean when people pollute it. ouch. bad times guys (thums down to pollution and friends who forget bdays.)

thank you and goodnite.

Main Entry: ad·vo·ca·cy
Pronunciation: 'ad-v&-k&-sE
Function: noun
1 : the profession or work of an advocate
2 : the action of advocating, pleading for, or supporting a cause or proposal

0 comments <3 js

date: June 15, 2005
time: 6/15/2005 12:46:00 AM

my favorite jaimee line.

don't be disappointed if you don't like this line. i think its one of those things where you just had to be there to relly find it funny.

so euge was over and we were both playin with j (jaimee) in the living room. euge was sitting on a chair and i was sitting on the floor. and jaimee wanted to get to euge. so euge was like..climb on ur sister! i was like ..nooooo jaimee..it hurts. don't climb on me. then ofcourse she stepped on me..and euge was like yaaa...do it j! climb on her. wut a horrible, terrible person he is. so jaimee likefully climbed ontop of me to get to euge. stepping on mychest, face, shoulders, everywhere just to push herself up.

and so afterwards, knowing that it hurt me and that i was in pain, j held my head with her two tiny hands to face her..and smiling she sed, "You're not a mountain right?" and she sed it in the most understanding voice ever. it was so sweet.

and now i always bring it up. and just randomly go.."ur not a mountain right jaimee?" and she'd just look and me and smile or chuckle. aww its makes me melt inside. its our like "inside joke" hehe.


my nicknames for Jaimee:
- j
-funny bunny
-silly bunny
-cute little bunny

If Love makes people blind.. then count me blind cuz i'm IN LOVE! -quote D.H.

i love her.

1 comments <3 js

time: 6/15/2005 12:01:00 AM

my day. :)

i've never been to an interview my whole life..and i had 2 this week!

on monday i had a group interview at GUESS. the interview was pretty casual i guess. we just all took turns asking questions like: why should we hire you...sell urself to us; tell us about our company, what would you do if you caught an employee shoplifting in the back; questions like that. boring questions..but i tried to sound as interested i could. i met some cool girls in the group interview. really down to earth and friendly people...GL to all of them.

then today, i had my interview dt...like china town...for ccnc..chinese canadian national council. and boy..this was a hard core interivew. first of all the office building is gorgeous. its relly nice and new inside. ccnc only has a small office in it..but ya, i would LOVE to work there. just a lil far... =/ anyway..

so they called me in and i went into this room..with a huge desk and 2 guys sitting across from me with clipboards, paper, andpens. they offered me a drink..and then began my interview (very professional). then they DRILLED me with questions. they drilled me harder than brian drills us in an oracles practice. :P questions like: tell us about ccnc; describe to us what human rights and advocacy means; why would you want to work for us; would you volunteer in the future for us; what would you do if you came into work and found that the door was smashed open and all the computers were stolen? grr..i was soo stuck on the stupid word advocacy...!! -.- anyway. after all those questions..they told me to write a letter to City Hall to book it for a anti-racism conference. so they left me in the room for awhile with paper, pen, and my cup of aloe drink to write it. so hard core. i totally did not expect the interview to be like this.
..but now i relly want that job. basically its a program assistant position. i would help plan and coordinate their events- which sounds liek a relly cool job. i'd be working side by side with the head coordinator and like high up ppl.

and it was relly nice for carson and aaron to come up with me for my interview today. well aaron only came up becuase he had a blue jays game to go to tonite..but it was nice for CARSON to come..and somehow drag aaron along heh. he is such a gentleman. he IS. and all aaron cares about is himself. and sometimes mindy. eheheh. sigh. but no..it was nice of them to come out and help me find the place. it was tricky to find! AND...after my interview they were waiting downstairs in the main lobby, and gave me an I <3 Jesus livestrong-like bracelets they bought while they were waiting. ahaha. they bargained 3 for $5 in china town..as opposed to $2/each omg. cheap-o's. haha. i can't believe they spent money buying samuri swords taht day too..lol and carson's "Me, myself, and I" promise ring..for himself. thats relly sad.

then after my interview i met up with albert LEUNG from the O's..and from there we headed to our practice at bev glen - took us awhile to get back up. from chinatown to york mills stn (where my car was)to bev glen. didnt'get to practice too much tho cuz it started raining like INSANELY. almost like a typhoon! but not...

then we went to wíll's favorite restaurant for a bit. (incase you didnt'know wuts his fav restaurant is..its pho's) and you can tell..he was very content with his pho's. he never gets tired of it.

then i dropped ppl off..dropped by to say hi to euge..and headed to kbbq with waterloo ppl! woohoo..i got to see uw ppl two times today. except aaron didn't make it to kbbq. (thankgoodness ..jk!) :) but ali, jaclyn, carson, and bobby came out. and it was nice catching up times. oh i miss waterloo..andi'm psyched for next year. i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait.

what a packed day. i relly hope i get either job. i highly doubt it..seeing that i have soo much competition.. :( its ok...there are many other opportunities. dang advocacy!! -.- grr.

3 comments <3 js

about moi.

Jessica Sit

Love, Laugh, and Live Life.


"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Cor 4:18 NIV

previous posts

more about me

currently reading: confessions of a shopaholic series

crazy about:jaimee

can't get enough of: the hills.. sigh. love it.

