March 27, 2005
time: 3/27/2005 03:56:00 PM
here's an easter story for you guys to think about:
so it was easter sunday..went to church in the morning and it was soooo nice to see everyone cuz i miss everyone at ET sooooo muchhh, but i had to leave relly quickly, cuz my friend karen was gonna come pick me up at stc at 1:00. service ended at 12 so i was tight on time. anyway..earlier that morning i found out that my cell phone ran outta battery so i couldn't contact her to discuss where at stc we're meeting.
so i hadno way in finding her cell #, so i figured if i jus go to the movie theater at stc and wait there..she'll figure it out.
so i waited til like 1:30 and she still didn't arrive, and that got me worried. and all of a sudden i clued in that i could've jus taken out my SIM CARD and PUT IT IN my dad's phone to get her #. oh mannn, it took me soo long to realize that. but wen i did realize that.. i had no way to reach him. my cell was dead and i didn't have any change on me...jus my debit and a few pennies. plus the mall was closed (due to Easter holiday) so i couldn't go in and ask for a new battery for my fone..
so the only thing i could do was ask random strangers to use their cell or a quarter to fone my dad.
i approached a couple walking by, maybe mid-50s..and asked them if they had a cell i could borrow. the couple walked right past me..ignoring me and the lady give me a dirty look like i was a prostitute or bum or something... and walked off. i looked at myslef, a young student, with a backpack, a bag of laundry, with a jacket on. did i look like someone who would hurt her or would rob her??
as i tried approaching more and more ppl, i got more self-conscious and felt more helpless. all i asked was for a quarter. a simple quarter or to use their fone. everyone jus looked at me..sed no impolitely and left i was some freak? why are people so afriad of strangers?! there were so many people..but no one could take the time to help.
eventually i ran into these 2 guys walking into the theatre..maybe in their 30s or late 20s..and they offered a quarter AND a call on their cell. :D like of ALL the poeple i met... these 2 guys gave me SOO much..more than i even asked for. now that was grace.
after this experience i learned these things:
- i will never walk by any one again who is asking for something as small as a quarter without tryin to help them; without extending some help. people say.." oh theyré gonna use it to get drugs and alcohol..." right with 0.25..ur relly gonna get high/drunk on that eh? cmon ppl show some mercy and give a hand for your neighbour.
- people are so afraid of stangers. There is no trust in this society anymore. Just because you don't know the person, it doesn't mean that they're out to harm you or that they're bad people.
- to give grace can cost you nothing..but to the other person..its EVERYTHING. many times i've walked dt..passing homeless people asking for change. you feel absolutely horrible walking pass them, but by the end of the forget about. it never occured till today that if i jus stopped for 2 seconds to look for something as small $0.25 it would've helped someone so much. like today..i wouldn't of made it back to school in waterloo if i didn't ran into those guys. it wasn't hard for them to give a little of their time for me, but to meant SOOOO much.
its easter, and isn't easter ALL about grace and mercy? all i wanted today was to see some light in people. i jus wanted someone to reach down and gimme a hand. and for some reason..'the message of Easter became soo much clearer to me.
<3 js
March 16, 2005
time: 3/16/2005 02:52:00 AM

yay for more friends 
<3 js
time: 3/16/2005 02:51:00 AM

yay for freinds 
<3 js
time: 3/16/2005 02:50:00 AM

yay for cake 
<3 js