January 16, 2005
time: 1/16/2005 06:26:00 PM

for you pooj. 
<3 js
January 15, 2005
time: 1/15/2005 08:06:00 PM
i like to snuggle.
candy heart.
i made it myself
<3 js
January 10, 2005
time: 1/10/2005 01:49:00 AM

my favouritest person in the whole world. 
<3 js
January 09, 2005
time: 1/09/2005 04:39:00 AM
intellect of a 2 year old
me: "do you know what Christmas is jaimee?"
sis: "uh no"
me: "its soméoné s birthday. do you know who's birthday that is?"
sis: " barney!"
me: "nooooo..jaimee..."
sis: "umm..."
me:"its JESUS' birthday"
sis: "oh Jesus?"
me: "yes..."
*jaimee breaks out in song*
(Jesus loves me this i know, for the BIBO tells me so..little ones who him bewong...they are weak but He is stwrong.")
me: "lol..yes jaimee, you're right..its Jesus. good girl"
(if you guys don't kno my sis loves to sing.)
me:"hey jaimee where's jordan?"
sis: " jordan?"
me: "yea"
*points to jordan*
sis:"he's big"
this is jaimee's version of the classic xmas carol..Santa Claus is Coming To Town
"you better not cry, you better not cry, you better not cry i'm tellin you why,
Santa Claus is coming to town."
a game of hide and seek and jaimee:
me: "ok j, i'm gonna count to 10 and you go hide ok?"
j: "OK!!"
me: "one..two...three..."
*hear quick little footsteps run behind the couch*
me: "eight nine ...ten..READY OR NOT HERE I COME!!"
" jaimee hiding in the box?"
*pretend to look in*
"nooo...hmmm..i wonder where jaimee went..."
*start walking towards the couch where you can CLEARLY see her hiding...lying on the floor..scared as heck*
*as i approach closer she just runs out from behind the couch towards me screaming and is shaking her hand at me going "nonononono, i'm scared!! " *
so from now on...I hide, and she counts.
jaimee's version of Mr. Sun
"O Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, pwease shine down on meeeeeee
O Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr Golden Sun..hiding behind a treeeeeeee (puts hands covering face..cuz she's hiding behind a tree)
(points out her finger) These lil children are asking you, to pwease come out so we can play with you oh Mr. Sun, Sun, mr golden Sun..hiding behind a treeeeee.... these lil children are asking you...
and it keeps looping over never ends until i help her sing it right.
<3 js