July 20, 2004
time: 7/20/2004 09:52:00 PM

<3 js
time: 7/20/2004 09:51:00 PM

<3 js
time: 7/20/2004 02:51:00 AM
at work rite now. bored. tired. jus want to get out of here. at lunch break now.. in the office... there isn't even msn on this comp..and i can't d/l it. busy busy day..supposedly there's 3 proposals due today. everyone's so rushed and stressed. :( oh those engy's...
...the only thing interesting at work is the photocopy machine. it can do alot of cool tricks.. like staple documents! yea.! like i can put a 20 pg document into it for photocopying..and it not only photocopies it, but staples it for me after. so hero!
so work's work. get there 7:30am...filing, faxing, photocopying, typing, phoning..more filing...till 5:00 pm.
yesterday: my day at the spa
so as my grad gift my parents got me a 4-day spa treatment package, and each visit is diff.
DAY 1: facial
so my mom bought a package too, so we went together..mother and daughter. how sweet. we split off and i went into my room and the lady introduced herself and all and explained wut she was gonna do and then she was like "take off ur shirt". and then i was like ...uh,ok. jus like that..on command .lol. and i felt so not comfortable/ anyway, she walked outta the room and let me do my bus..(i thot she was jus gonna stand der and watch me ) and she came back in wen i was dun. you wasn't till that nite wen i was talkin to euge on the fone that it occured to me that...why would you need to take your shirt off for a facial? : it was nice and all. like nothing i coudln't do to just rub my face and put cream stuff on it. OHHH yea.. then she put on the "steeamer". its hot..and it just emits steam onto ur face. and wen she first did it.. i was like ..dang thats hot! hope its over soon, cuz i can't breathe in this air. then the lady's like.."ok, i'll be back ina coupla min" and i was like..a coupla mins?! i'm gonna like pass out under this. then wen she left and closed the door, i quickly took my face outta the mist and GASPed for air. shhheesssh. that stuf is no good for the lungs.
so i was relly looking forward to the "complimentary beverage" after my facial. i was a tropical fruit smoothie or something liek dat. so we ask for sum and the lady's like ..yes, you have ur choice of ... water, tea... (and rite now i was thinkin in my head..are you sick?..) ...or wine. then my eyes lit up. THAT"S wut i'm talkin about ppls. then w/o even hesitating i was like WINE plz. i dun't even like the taste of wine..actually i hate it..but its somehting..if its free i 'll take it , rite? so we're sitting in the waiting room and we're waiting and all (cuz that's wut ppl do in waiting rooms), and she comes back and says she can't get we settled for some tea. and she didn't put no milk/sugar in it..jus tea.
so that was day one. isn't a facial supposed to clear ur skin up? i got a pimple today. :( yuck. rite in the middle of my face.
so day 2 is next monday: EMS treatment & Cellulite treatment
(i dun't even got no cellulite)
stay tuned to see wut happens next to jessica with her cellulite and ems treatments.
going back to work! somebody shoot me.
..i miss jaimee
<3 js
July 13, 2004
time: 7/13/2004 09:34:00 PM

<3 js
July 12, 2004
time: 7/12/2004 07:29:00 PM

2 years..and still a cutie. 
<3 js
July 05, 2004
time: 7/05/2004 08:24:00 PM
recap summer 2 do list, things i've completed:
-wasaga beach
-backwards butterfly..ohmy worked...
-st. lawrence market
-and i almost started the animal touching thing..
wen i went on my week to collingwood, we were going thru country roads..and dere was like farms on the way..with horses/cows/sheep on the way there!! lol. i was SOOO going to get out of the car n' work my maggiiccc
and actually wen my and euge were driving thru old finch, we saw a raccoonm run across the street..and i was like...lets GET IT!! then we actaully did a U-ie and stopped the car and got out of the car. then it ran into the trees. and i was too scared to go in and find it cuz it was late at nite and it was old finch. and that raccooon looked huge..could've like taken me on
so today i had an eye exam. i was soo reddy for sum glasses...i want em..makes me look smarter & sophisticated. anywhoo, so this assistant girl took me in for the first part. and like i had 2 fill an application b4 i went in..which included grade, school, etc. so i put U of Waterloo. so wen she took me in..she's like
".oh youre going to waterloo ths sept?" and i was like, "yea, for this sci & bus prog. did you go there?"
and she was like , "yea i'm in the pre-opt prog. which campus are yoy living in?" and then we talked about UW and how its boring there cuz there's nothing to do. and we ended it with a "well mabbe i'll see you in sept" i liked her.
then the real optometrist came. and she graduated from the school of OPT at UW. respect all around for THIS lady. so yea..she checked my eyes...and for the first time in my life (believe it or not) she gave me an eyedrop to dilate it. i dun like em eyedrops..make me cry. it was my first. i was like blind wen i went outside afterwards..soo dang bright and blurry. felt like a handicap. i ACED her exam. except i screwed up reading one letter...i thot the "E" was a "B" but i corrected myself ... BUT even then she told me had 20/20 vision!AND she added that i have very healthy eyes. i like my optometrist. she's my favorite person of the day. beucz she complimentd my eyes. ohoh, and i wanted to ask her and the other waterloo girl if they went to CCF..i dunno, i jus like asking ppl that. im soo there next year.
*** here's wut i've been up to for the past weeks
sat (last week): nite out with tim/gord/nick , oh im gonna miss those guys next year. i'll smackdown you AGAIN tim/ hah. with a garbage can..dang that was also the day of the flat tire wen i went to the lumas/o's game. :'( jon is my HERO. ty jon for saving me. and ty Canadian tire for selling tire sealer and that valve thing.
sun *ray's & oreos's bday*: WONDERLAND! they had the tomb-raider ride. i thot i was gonna fall out of the not secure! ohhh yeaaaa and i got a visit that nite from darren&andrew that nite :) i like visits.
mon: last day of working at kumon! oohhh soooo saddd!! man i grew attached to that place. 3 years! awww and then bonita (one of my fav kids) gave me a supersize box of smarties for my farewell gift. cuz i was saying how hungry i was last day during work. she gave it to me and i was like, " wuts this for?" and she was like, "just thankxs for teaching me" sooo sweet.. omg..then i gave her a hug. then a i had to say bye. i HATE saying bye. // that nite we went to the guv. this time we had cars.
tues-thurs: left for collingwood ...and i got a long-D call on my cell that week for an intterview at mr. sub. meh. that call cost me $.70!!! :(
thrus nite *Canada Day*: fireworks @ the bluffs
fri: st. lawrence market & paintballing <--which i will never do ever again.
sat: buffalo for the day. ohh man we went to this ghetttooo chinese buffet for lunch there. eww ew ew. soo dirrty. but i was trying to be as polite as i could. they had nice waiters. he gave us fortune cookies. jaimee was tryin to stuff like 5 of them into her pockets. soo cute. i took a pic. ohhh yesss...then i found the hottest guy in the world that day. no, not at the the buffet restaurant. at TOYS TOYS TOYS. his name is California ken. you kno barbie & ken? usually they make the ken's uglyyy with bad hairlines. this one was HOT. with good hair. and cute eyes..and he knoes how to surf...
sun: i was late for ushering AGAIN. :( i luv et. yes i had to say that. i love itthere. i will travel from my house to there every sunday and friday nite cuz i can't get enuff of it. :) then wut happend, oh and euge went to fairview and wen we decided to go over to his started POURING like MADDDD and thundering like crazy wen we were walkin to the bus stop. soo wet. ummm...then i bought that drink that Grace told me to get last fri...soo good..its like a passionfruit green tea drink. now i'm hooked. then euge took my out for was the hugest dinner in the world..all for $12? amazing. it was this late nite special at that RICE33 restaurant near destiny's. after that nite i relly wished i knew more chinese. it was soo struggles ordering. the waitress was soo nice tho..she like translated the whole menu for us. lol.
and today is monday. ohh wow, i actauly had a conversation in CHINESE with my grandmother today! wow. so proud of myself. we talked about univ next year. it was good. i love my grandmother. she takes good care of me. i'm gonna miss her next year...esp her home cooking.
resting up for my BIG day tomorw! 1st day of work at my dad's place..hope they like me.
<3 js