June 23, 2004
time: 6/23/2004 10:37:00 PM

me & mel 
<3 js
time: 6/23/2004 09:29:00 PM
sooo, i need to update this ppl are telling me
soo, last week, i went to go visit the Y, cuz i was planning to sign up for the i decided to check it out b4 i make any commitment..
so yea..after we did sum cardio, we headed to machines. the gym wuz alllrite, ddind't have a lot of machines.. well actually i was relly relly disapointed cuz they didn't have my fav machine.. the love handle machine. tha'ts rite. for those know all the names of the machines..don't laff. i duno wut its called. i jus use it.
anywhoo, so after that, we headed for the pool. not too crowded, no naked old that was good. so then i saw a diving board, and i got all excited and was like..."yeaaa lets go divin!!" and stuff liek that. soo yea. i climbed up got into my "diving" position and went for it. dove IN and WHOOOOOOOOSHHHHHH went underwater...and guess wut happend? lol. my bottoms slid downnnnn ...not COMPLETELY OFF...but far enuff . omggggg sooo hilarious.. nooo one saw..cuz i was so deep under..but ppl must've thot i was one odd kid afterwards cuz i was laffin my arse off wen i surfaced. then the second time i went..i TRIPLE knotted my pants. i like to play it safe
ohohoh..then there was father's day. and on sat at STC japan camera had this offer where you could take a digi pic wiht ur dad and print them out for you for free!! but i didn't have my dad that me & euge wanted to find some random china man to stand with us for the picture. mann no one would. :( im a nice girl..woudln't you wanna be my daddy? so we ended up jus the 2 of us taking the pic..(even tho we weren't supposed to) and i don't think the manager liked that too we stole one of his sample pictures with him posing beside the father's day stand. ohhh myyyyy goooshhh. that picture is soo GOLD. that pose. woooo! takes my breath away.
thenn today we went over to mel's house to go swimmingg!! wow, i am sooo burnt... burnt, like usher. wow that synanom was stuggles. im struggles.
but relly..i'm like red all over it hurts. but i absolutely luv her pool. we are definitely doing that more often this summer. i look like a tomato.
ohhhh its CHINESE DAY at wonderland this sat!!! POWER to the azns! woot woot!
shoutOUT: 2 my bio bud who i never sed hi to. HIYA
<3 js
June 15, 2004
time: 6/15/2004 03:45:00 PM
IQ test results
J, you are a Word Warrior.
This means you have exceptional verbal skills. You can easily make sense of complex issues and take an unusually creative approach to solving problems. Your strengths also make you a visionary.
ooh, i like that.
<3 js
time: 6/15/2004 02:11:00 AM

beautiful letdown. 
<3 js
time: 6/15/2004 01:48:00 AM
good ol' Switchfoot. still rmemebr the venue at the cool haus.
Twenty four oceans
Twenty four skies
Twenty four failures
Twenty four tries
Twenty four finds me
In twenty-fourth place
Twenty four drop outs
At the end of the day
Life is not what I thought it was
Twenty four hours ago
Still I'm singing Spirit take me up in arms with You
And I'm not who I thought I was twenty four hours ago
Still I'm singing Spirit take me up in arms with You
Twenty four reasons to admit that I'm wrong
With all my excuses still twenty four strong
See I'm not copping out not copping out not copping out
When You're raising the dead in me
Oh, oh I am the second man
Oh, oh I am the second man now
Oh, oh I am the second man now
I want to see miracles, see the world change
Wrestled the angel, for more than a name
For more than a feeling
For more than a cause
I'm singing Spirit take me up in arms with You
And You're raising the dead in me
Twenty four voices
With twenty four hearts
With all of my symphonies
In twenty four parts.
I'm not copping out. Not copping out. Not copping out.
"My Grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness"
2 Cor 12:9a
PS why are espresso's so small?
PPS why do ppl drink em?
PPPS are you supposed to drink em with cream and sugar? lol.
note2self: don't drive down to eglinton & brimley again in the middle of the nite for sum espresso. i thot was gonna get shot down there.
<3 js
June 09, 2004
time: 6/09/2004 08:19:00 PM

me & the bday girl 
<3 js
time: 6/09/2004 08:14:00 PM

chunky monkey icecream!! 
<3 js
time: 6/09/2004 08:13:00 PM

us girls posing at ben &jerry's 
<3 js
June 06, 2004
time: 6/06/2004 12:10:00 AM
so my brother went to teh hospital again..cuz he like broke another finger. he like fractured his finger playin dodgeball, and was told not to play sports agani for a coupla months..yet he decides to go play the same sport again a couple weeks later..and ends up braking the one right beside it. guys are geniuses.
oh so today we went out for liya's bday! we went to yuk yuk's was funny..i guess. k, i lied. it was
alrite. we got off at union and walked all the way there!! cuz i had no clu where it was. then we had to ask random ppl 4 that is why ppl invented teh GPS system. could come in handy today! so we ended up being late for the show, wouldn't pay $17 again tho..unless it was a fat black guy doin it. oh my goodness, ALL black guys..esp the fat ones are sooo hilarious.. i luv em. like rubben studdard. he's black and fat. and america loves him. see the parallel? rubben's not funny tho...or mabbe he is but i jus don't kno it. he's so dang cute. and anything a cute guy sez is funny. yea so taht was yuk yuks'///sighh./// its all the same..well the jokes were all the same. go figure.
anyway.. after we went to ben & jerry's on queen st. for sum ice we were such tourists..takin out our digi cams and taking pics in the store with teh ice cream .ahha. omg! then guess wut i saw? "chunky monkey" ice cream! yea! for those who watched that show "2ge+ther" you would kno wut i'm talkin about. it was the episode wen mickey couldn't do a concert at his old high school cuz he was known as the fat kid and was too embarrassed 2 go back..and how he couldn't stop eating// ..then someone ate his chunky monkey ice cream and he freaked outtt. haha. ohh man, i loved that show.props to you guys who kno wut i'm talkin a/b. yes. so that's the deal with the ice cream. and i took a picture. in memory of the show--then afterwards we had our quest for the $1.50 street meat...which we coudln't we ended up paying $2 for a vendor dog. it wasss soo good tho. haven't had one in foreverss. its so dirrty it could prolly kill me. but the point was yummy.
then there was friday nite. - and there was where i lost...twice. the first time was in the game of rock,paper,scissors @ mcD's. the mcCAFE was soo pertty. so classy. i feel wrong ordering a burger and going over to sit on the leather couches. its lke a sin. neways back to rock, paper scissors...i can beat everyone at that game..except for darren. i dunno why.. and becuz i lost i had to drive up ALL the way to the timmy's up on steeles as apposed to the one near me on sheppard cuz mcCAFE was closing/ownage'd. then we started playing poker @ timmy' was so jokes..cuz we used pepper packets to bet ohh yesss.. pepper packets. we would jus send willie and he would grab 2 handfulls of pepper and bring them over to our table. ahha. so bait. i was playin a solid game..until i got greedy. and wen you get keith would say, "it foreshadows your death" ahhah. (only cuz he got greedy and he got out first..cuz i CLEANED him off good.) wut a sore loser,hehe.he did well for 'hanging by a thread' the whole time. dunno how he did it.ahah. then steve told me that im a good bluffer. "i don't care" omg..soo jokes...those kids are jokes.gotta luv em
i feel the vendor dog jus sittin at the bottom of my stomache rite now. ew. the fat is going straight to my tummy..i can FEEL it. i need to go to sum gym. but if you kno relly iffy bout those big gyms..cuz they're all SCAMS. if ur thinkin of joining..DON'T. they're all trippy like dat. don't remind me everrrr of wut happend at bally's. and i decided to not say that B-word ever again. so don't bring it up. AND i decided to not ever sign a contract ever ever! those sales ppl are sooo danggg good at sellin stuff..and knowing me and how im such a sucker for free stuff. lol "wut?? free watch?? omgg..sign me in!" that happened wen i got OUT of my contract after much muchhh nagging, and wen i found out a/b that watch offer, i was like..SIgn me back in! ahahah. i never learn do i? but all those big gyms require a 12 month contract.which i can't do..cuz i don't do commitment. but they're soo nice. and they have pilates classes. how awesome is that?
so today's moral is: dont get greedy "cuz it foreshadows your death" and don't sign contracts. take it from me. i think i would kno ;)
<3 js
June 01, 2004
time: 6/01/2004 04:23:00 PM
this is me and eugene's summer 2 do list: (if you guys get bored this are sum ideas.)
-wasaga beach
-try a backwards butterfly (you know the backwards butterfly..its like doin a butterfly in the water ..but backwards!! he sez its possible)
-make sandangels/sandman (like a snowman..but outta Sand)
-vendor-dog run. sorta like a sandwich run..but with VENDOR DOGS!
-Master the art of driving my Standard
-loiter at Sheraton Hotel
-visit newmarket
-find a refugee
-watch a musical
-join a cookin class! woooo
-TALK 16 MARATHON!!! woooo!! that includes TALK17,19, & 21 ahaha.
-greek festival/st.lawrence markt/caribana/
-paint portraits
-read a book
-japanese buffet
-fly a kite.
-penpal to CA
-send a message in a NUNAvut
-memorize 1 bible verse. hah. "Jesus wept".
-make shephards pie
-fiesta party
-win sumthin @ CNE from the carnies
-go to the zoo.
-touch as many animals as possible. ahhah.
if you guys have ne more crazy ideas...feel free to comment!
<3 js