May 30, 2004
time: 5/30/2004 05:54:00 PM

me & the euge loo 'laxin in da limo.. 
<3 js
time: 5/30/2004 03:59:00 PM
prom story first entrie..wooo..exciting~going in the the mind of ME. scaree. yo, its deep, you mite get lost in it. girls minds are complex. we're not simple beings...don't try to understnd us...dere's so many levels or layers...kinda like an onion. now THAT's deep. (actually i teefed that off shrek ahha)
so summer is around the corner...s0 close yet so far. still got a month of schoo :| ISUs, seminar.. sucking the life outta me..thk goodness for the fone for keepin me SANE>>
ohohoh! soo prom was the other nite!! omgomgomg. i tried these fake eyelashes..cuz i'm azn..and we're not born wit ne. ahah. so i thot itll b fun. see, i thot it would be simple to put those things on. can't b that bad..but ohh my...boi was it struggles! dey give you like glu...yes...EYE glu adhesive junk (wutever that's made outta, prolly like stuff they find at grand & toy craft section) and ur supposed to "apply a thin line to the eyelash, let it set for 30s, then carefully stick it on 2 ur lash line"
yo a kid can do that, i thot. but boy, did i thot wrong.
i put sum glu on w. my mom's assistance and it peeled off once i opend my eyes/so i decided, we need MORE glu. that'll do the trick. that way, it'll stay on the entire NITE.sooo i squeezd out MORE. and gave it like 5 full minutes to settle and dry. then you kno wut happend wen you put too much on?? YOU END UP GLUING YOUR EYELIDS SHUT yes. well that is wut happened. i closed my eyes to let it dry..and wen i tried to open em..i couldn't. ahahhaha. omgggg was hilarious..but not at the time..i was alreddy late to meet ppl for our limo..and i was freakin' out like how a mother freaks out wen she's in labour. bahhh haaaa~
honestly dats all i can remembr from dat nite.the rest was a blurr. limo..lavedette, holly catchin her fake nail on fire...leGRANDhotel -->and seein' this guy takin a piss cuz dere's a huge bathroom with a glass wall on the side...(ike who does that? build a bathroom w/ a glass wall so ppl can see you take a run??) ...fittin ppl in the trunk of mels' bf's van, that strip joint we had to walk by , no bbbbrraces! :D eyelashes... kekeke /// oh the mems...
the moral of the story is: don't glue your eyes shut
kk..update later..tune in for the next posting
<3 js