December 11, 2006
time: 12/11/2006 01:41:00 AM
the party's on the floor

oh guess what.
me and steve just got FLOOR tickets to snowpatrol. ohmygoodness i wont be able to fall asleep at night til march. haha.
ohmygoodness i have to focus on exams. 
bytheway, i think alot of songs sound so much better when its played unplugged/stripped/acoustic - i love that purity to it. its why i love going to concerts. and some songs just sound THAT much better when its live. Ie. dashboard confessionals - hands down is so much funner when its live. how to save a life and cable car- acoustic i like SO much more, jason mraz - remedy acoustic.. wow.
anyway the 2 banners up represents my new additions to my ipod....
anyway i just wanted to share my happiness.
goodluck on exams everyone.
i dont like her
<3 js