September 21, 2006
time: 9/21/2006 09:40:00 PM
dear mrs. hermit
Dear Mrs. Hermit (you know who you are),
Because of your hermit-like ways, you have left us all in utter confusion and dismay. Since you do not have a logical explanation for your disappearing acts for the past... MONTH.. we're out of ideas in how to bring our padthai obsessed/dramaqueen/artsy fartsy/camera geek friend back to humanization. So if you're reading this now (in your cubby hole that you've been hiding in for all this time), i think its time you'd retire from this "hermit-like" persona and start going back to the regular old self - because waterloo is just that much funner when you're around. That is all. Thank you. :)
Sincerely Yours,
PS we miss you
<3 js