February 03, 2006
time: 2/03/2006 12:23:00 AM
narnia is whoa
i can't get over how good that movie was! i could just talk forever about that movie. read the book back in gr 5. i love c.s. lewis. the witch was SOO well done in the movie. i applaud that. well done. she was just SOO in character. i don't even like harry potter or "the lord of the rings" - but im so in love with this movie. anyway, here were the stupid comments that me and anj made throughout the entire movie:(the nerd side of me comes out eh? hheh) 
on the cab ride their we and the cab driver was trying to figure out for the longest time who was the author ofthe chronicles of narnia. how did we forget that.
when the beaver couple was leading the kids to their dam and walking throught the forest, anj whispered: "look they're holding hands...awwww". haha.. they were so in love that beaver couple. it was cute.
i really liked how the mother beaver kept going on about her fur, and how its always messed up and her husband keeps reassuring her that it looks fine. lol i was the only one in the theater that laughed out loud.
every 5 minutes we'd be covering our eyes muttering,"stupid edmund, stupid kid.."
every time i saw an animal, i just pictured skinning it - especially when Aslan died and he was lying on the pedestal.. haha (i know gross, but i did it in lab today, and i still can't get the image out of my head..sorry, geez).
when Aslan took the older son up to the hill and showed him his kingdom, and the witche's castle in the distance, anj mentioned how the scene was just like the lion king. haha. mufasa and simba, the circle of life...
when Aslan brought the witch into his tent to discuss whether he gets to keep Edmund the traitor or not, anj whispers "they're doing it in there". hahah
then on the cab ride home we got crazy:
me: lets go home and check out your closet. that thing is HUGE
a: i can't even fit into my closet.
me: you have no faith in narnia anj. you doubt aslan. not cool.
a: lol watch the closet lead me into your room.
me: haha, my room is narnia. wickeddd
a: that means youre the witch.
me: :O
a: i would want to be the half-horse half-human ppl.
me: oh the fawn, like thumnus?
a: no the HALF-HORSE man ppl.. not a fawn
me: so what was the fawn? half human half ...goat? what is it anyway? you should be the beavers!! *awwww*
then later at home she walks into my room opens my closet and knocks on the back wall of it and say, "nope just wood". haha just like the movie.
ok im stopping before i hurt myself.
<3 js