January 22, 2006
time: 1/22/2006 09:12:00 PM
day 2
i wanted to try these things since forever !! euge got me a box for $15 at wal-mart. im supposed to wear them for 3o minutes, twice a day for a week. some of the peroxide got on my gums - and it stung a
lil - i screamed a lil. hheeh. but yaa, tháts a pic of me wearing the clear strips on my teeth. if you get some of the gel peroxide on your turns your skin white temporarily. o.0 lol. i don't know if its just me, but it seems like its whitening a little bit already! wow eh?! the box says im not supposed to see results til after 3 days. lets see what happens after a couple more daysss. =D
day 3
ok im quitting for a little while - it hurts my teeth too much. (><)
<3 js