January 17, 2006
time: 1/17/2006 11:58:00 AM
christmas is OVER
(i have to blog this story because i was telling this to euge today on the phone and he wasn't paying attentionto me when i was talking..actually he was on the computer ... so therefore he did not get the opportunityto hear the end of the story because i chose not to finish it. so i decided to blog it instead so SOMEONE could at least enjoy it with me)
PS its not much of a story, but i really wanted to finish it so here goes..(if euge finds this story on this blog he's a very lucky man to know the rest of this story he missed out on)

so i called my sister today like i promised to, we had a good talk about how she's always missing her playschool becuase she's always sleeping in the morning so she's trying to sleep earlier the night before so she could wake up. then she went on saying that she wants to have a christmas party. and i responded that we could wait til next year because Christmas is over.then she got all frustrated at me becuase i wouldn't let her have her christmas party. haha. anyway. so i talked to my mom and she was saying how jaimee's still in the christmas mode. haha. she's still caught up on christmas. i guess it was her first REAL christmas, the first one she's actually old enough to enjoy. all the presents, tree decorating, gingerbread man baking* (theres a story that goes with this), etc - so its hard for her to let go. so its like..january 16th (i already have my first midterm on monday) and the christmas tree is still up and so are the stockings because jaimee won't let my mom take it down because she likes it up soo much and she's trying to prolong christmas as long as she can. lol.
so in the end my mom had to get her all hyped up for a new event she's never heard of called "chinese new year" - and told her thatwe'll have to take down the Christmas decorations so we can put up "Chinese New Year" decorations!! (whatever that is..lanterns? haha).
shortbread-man cookies*
since im in the blogging mood i'll add in my gingerbread man baking story mentioned above.(i know its a long entry..bear with me folks - im worth your time =) )
I spent Christmas Eve with Jaimee and Jordan - my parents were out. anyway so i promised her that we'll make gingerbread men over the holidays so i figuredthat night was a good night to do them. so since jaimee's allergic to eggs, we had to use "short-bread" instead of gingerbread - and we decided to make it from scratch. earlier that day i was doing last min. xmas shopping at fairview with bob and i went to bulk barn to get tons of candy, chocolate, and sprinklesto put on the cookies! smarties, jelly tots, pink and orange sprinkles..happy colourful stuff for kids.. then later i had to run to a convenience storecuz everything was closed and was lucky enough to find icing that didn't have any soy/nuts in it.
i got home and we started making the dough . simple stuff. lard, flour, baking soda, sugar, etc. and you see, *not to blame my mom, but her writing is realllly messy. haha. like i ca
n't read it at all. so i'm trying to make out all the ingredients. ahah. (i wonder where this story is going eh haha) well she had all the ingredients out for us so i didn't have to look for anything- i just had to put it together and bake it. so everything is fine until i ran across an ingredient on the list. it said i need like..4 cups of blah blah blah. i dunt remmebr what it said. but the only ingredient left out that i haven'tused yet was BAKING SODA. im sure my mom put it out cuz she knew it was a substitute or seomthing. (the original ingredient was white and powdery too- its all the same right?) i figure it'd work.
so the dough worked out nicely and the shapes of the cookies were very pretty. we had short cake men and women, stars and hearts, and moons. next step was OVEN.
so i put it in for 15-20 minutes, checking it every so often, i ended up taking it out early cuz they started turning a little dark. it wasnt light like short bread is supposed to looked darker. so i was afraid i burnt them, so i took them out immediately. we let them cool and started decorating them.
euge decides to take bite out of a small cookie while we were decorating our short bread men and women with jelly beans, and smarties, and sprinkles..etc.after he takes a bite he chews for a bit and he makes a REAL DISGUSTED FACE (and im like..sitting there a little offended) and then he RUNS FOR THE GARBAGE CAN and spits it OUT. ahahhahaha. im like..CMON MAN! that was RUDE! how bad can they really be? and he was like..jess? i think you put something wrong in it...just try it yourself. so im like, oh shutup euge. what a weakstomache - i take a bite for myself and i end up spitting it back out too cuz it was too gross to swallow. it was like eating COAL. HAHA. oh man. this story is kinda embarrassing. i can cook i really can. :(
so the whole time jaimee was sitting there in shock cuz we were like both screaming and spitting the cookie taste out of our mouth and the whole shés like..whats wrong? its yummy! haha. so i had to tell herin the end not to eat the cookie and only icing and candy on top. lol so that plan was ruined. and i was so sad that my cookies didn't turn out well cuz i put so much time and effort into this to make it perfect for jaimee :(
so we found out later from my mother that it was the baking soda. she took the wrong box out - and baking is not a substitute for that other ingredient. haha apparently in baking recipes for 20 cookies, only a teaspoon of baking soda is needed. and we used like 4 cups. lol

we ended up just finishing decorating the cookies and they did look magnificent..just not magnificent tasting.. but we had nothing to do with them but look at them and want to eat them knowing that we can' my mom and i had this genius idea to put them on the christmas tree. hAHA. so just in time for christmas, we had a short-bread man tree, with like 20 cookies adorning ourchristmas tree. and jaimee loved it. even santa ate a couple of my cookies too (its what i told jaimee)- so i guess they weren't soo bad if even santa ate them.
anyway, i learned that christmas to the time to spend with the people you love, even if things don't go your way as planned.jaimee had a blast overall and my mom and euge and the rest of my family had a blast laughing at me. yay christmasss =)
<3 js