November 08, 2005
time: 11/08/2005 07:51:00 PM
ok i had to revise the last post because i didn't want ppl to get the wrong impression, and definately did not want rumours starting.. lol
especially with posting stuff on the internet, i realize that anyone could read i try to be as vague as possible..which means people can perceive things in their own way. lol and we don't want any trouble. ehhe.
i definately had ONE particular person in mind..who knows if you know them or i hope you guys dont' start thinking that i'm unhappy with everyone. ahah. im not a bitter person! but definately i should really "censor"the things i say on this blog, or else people will get the wrong impression. lol and that one person wouldn't be anyone who would probably read don't start thinking its you! no worries. and i have nothing personal against this person either... i was just in my reflective mood..
OK sweethearts, thx for your comments anyway. i think i'm going to change the web address for this blog so i can start being a little more personal in my blogs -so that i don't have to worry about misinterpretation.. sorta for my own sake.
sry about the confusion! :S
<3 js