April 23, 2007
time: 4/23/2007 01:17:00 PM
"the rest is still unwritten..."
hallo all!
i would just like to do a quick update about the me and my most recent excitements..
well first of all i would like to start off with the season finale of the hills season 2. hahaha. great stuff. i loved it.
secondly, euge found a nest of baby bunnies in his garden! and since im not big on posting up albums on facebook i will post pictures HERE. :) anyways, theres 6 babies in total and they are SO CUTE and loveable.

look how small they fit in his hands.. eek!

And lastly i did accept the job in new york! I will be interning at this fashion company called Norma Kamali ( and will be doing PR for them. So i'll be doing what LC and ugly betty does. maybe not as fun or even as glamorous but close enough :) I'll be contacting magazine editors, stylists, maintaining samples, updating contacts, helping out in photo shoots, creating lookbook kits, press kits. And the office is in the heart of the city! 5 min walk from Central Park! :D My feelings for this internship fluctuates hour to hour. haha. excitement to feelings of homesickness to being terrified to being extremely stressed out. I guess its much more than just going there to intern, theres so much i need to do. Also, I'll be MISSING IN alot of toronto ACTION this summer :(, i was looking forward to doing alot of things and just spending time with friends and family again but i guess this opportunity came up and couldn't be more than grateful. Anyways I'll probably be updating this blog during my time away in the summer so stay tuned!
But thanks so much for all the support, positive feedback, advice - it means alot, and im glad to have friends that I can share these things with. And sorry if you had to hear this news from sources other than myself. im just too crazily overwhelmed with everything i can't even sit down to breathe, i just moved back from loo! theres just so much to do and so little time. sigh. anyway tentative start date: May 7th! *rawwr*
thanks for listening!
<3 js