September 04, 2005
time: 9/04/2005 12:26:00 AM
it goes like this...
have you ever put something somewhere, turn away for like 3 seconds, turn back and have it completely disappear. and you find urself on your knees looking for it every possible place it could be..but its just no where to be found? events like these have been boggling my head for years now.
its happened to objects like the household key, myfavourite pair of earrings, numerous hair ties, matching socks, report cards, remote controls, cordless phones, friend's clothes, my batting gloves!... but nothing could hurt more than losing my $600 cheque.
yes. $600. rounded DOWN 600.
so in conclusion, i have proposed a theory that i'm sure you've heard many times, but i just want to say that i'm a walking and living TESTIMONY for this theory.
the theory goes like this:
yea? yaaa. dayam right they do. especially MY stuff. it makes complete sense. some walk away faster than others, and some objects walk alot more often than others. its that simple. speaking of which, my phone just happened to just walk away right this second. i don't see it anywhere...i swear it was on my bed or my desk just 2 seconds ago... o.0
lets just hope that cheque of mine decides to walk back where i left it..
god im such an idiot.
<3 js