June 16, 2005
time: 6/16/2005 10:14:00 PM
you know alot of ppl ask me what my email addy means. sigh. i've gotten that question too many here is it just to clear it all up for good.
its pretty simple folks.
oceanus: no, not the body shop oceanus. ( i actually think it smells kinda gross) root word is 'ocean'. and i like oceans. (thumbs up to oceans. gg oceans) so if ur an oceanus, it can only mean one love the ocean. har =D
7:if you guys don't know why its #7, i am deeply hurt. it hurts as much as it hurts the ocean when people pollute it. ouch. bad times guys (thums down to pollution and friends who forget bdays.)
thank you and goodnite.
Main Entry: ad·vo·ca·cy
Pronunciation: 'ad-v&-k&-sE
Function: noun
1 : the profession or work of an advocate
2 : the action of advocating, pleading for, or supporting a cause or proposal
<3 js