July 20, 2004
time: 7/20/2004 02:51:00 AM
at work rite now. bored. tired. jus want to get out of here. at lunch break now.. in the office... there isn't even msn on this comp..and i can't d/l it. busy busy day..supposedly there's 3 proposals due today. everyone's so rushed and stressed. :( oh those engy's...
...the only thing interesting at work is the photocopy machine. it can do alot of cool tricks.. like staple documents! yea.! like i can put a 20 pg document into it for photocopying..and it not only photocopies it, but staples it for me after. so hero!
so work's work. get there 7:30am...filing, faxing, photocopying, typing, phoning..more filing...till 5:00 pm.
yesterday: my day at the spa
so as my grad gift my parents got me a 4-day spa treatment package, and each visit is diff.
DAY 1: facial
so my mom bought a package too, so we went together..mother and daughter. how sweet. we split off and i went into my room and the lady introduced herself and all and explained wut she was gonna do and then she was like "take off ur shirt". and then i was like ...uh,ok. jus like that..on command .lol. and i felt so not comfortable/ anyway, she walked outta the room and let me do my bus..(i thot she was jus gonna stand der and watch me ) and she came back in wen i was dun. you wasn't till that nite wen i was talkin to euge on the fone that it occured to me that...why would you need to take your shirt off for a facial? : it was nice and all. like nothing i coudln't do to just rub my face and put cream stuff on it. OHHH yea.. then she put on the "steeamer". its hot..and it just emits steam onto ur face. and wen she first did it.. i was like ..dang thats hot! hope its over soon, cuz i can't breathe in this air. then the lady's like.."ok, i'll be back ina coupla min" and i was like..a coupla mins?! i'm gonna like pass out under this. then wen she left and closed the door, i quickly took my face outta the mist and GASPed for air. shhheesssh. that stuf is no good for the lungs.
so i was relly looking forward to the "complimentary beverage" after my facial. i was a tropical fruit smoothie or something liek dat. so we ask for sum and the lady's like ..yes, you have ur choice of ... water, tea... (and rite now i was thinkin in my head..are you sick?..) ...or wine. then my eyes lit up. THAT"S wut i'm talkin about ppls. then w/o even hesitating i was like WINE plz. i dun't even like the taste of wine..actually i hate it..but its somehting..if its free i 'll take it , rite? so we're sitting in the waiting room and we're waiting and all (cuz that's wut ppl do in waiting rooms), and she comes back and says she can't get we settled for some tea. and she didn't put no milk/sugar in it..jus tea.
so that was day one. isn't a facial supposed to clear ur skin up? i got a pimple today. :( yuck. rite in the middle of my face.
so day 2 is next monday: EMS treatment & Cellulite treatment
(i dun't even got no cellulite)
stay tuned to see wut happens next to jessica with her cellulite and ems treatments.
going back to work! somebody shoot me.
..i miss jaimee
<3 js